One more finish before 2015 ends, well not a complete finish, but the top at least of my Farm Girl Vintage Sampler. I joined Lori Holt for her Farm Girl Vintage Quilt Along, but set my blocks aside to finish up charity quilts when it ended. I decided I needed this all put together before I could start any other projects.
I am so thrilled I made this! It is definitely a bucket list quilt.
Despite the snow on the ground, I just bundled up, threw on my snow boots, and trekked outside for pictures. I took a picture of each quadrant for more detailed up close pictures. This is the top right side.
I used a white with black dots for the background. This is the upper left side and
the lower left side
and finally the bottom right.
I have gotten in the habit of making an extra block for a label on the back of my quilts, but I could not decide on just one block. I made four blocks--the barn and silo with a sweet heifer in my barn, two sunflowers, and a giant John Deere tractor. I will be embroidering the tractor details and label information on the panel.
I had been planning on using my aqua floral border fabric for the back. But when I ran up to the fabric store the other day to find a red for the flying geese border and a green for the tractor, I spotted this red with large polka dots fabric for $5 a yard--I bought all 4 yards. I think I will use it instead. Now comes the hard part--figuring out the quilting. It is so busy that a simple quilting design would probably be best...If you have any ideas, I'd to hear them!
Onto my 2016 Goals--I bought the pattern for this Down in the Garden Embroidery Quilt by Leann Beasley this last summer
and I have collected some of the fabrics to make it. I want to work on this as a Block of the Month in 2016.
In 2016, I plan on making the Lori Holt Pig Quilt and I even have a kit waiting in the cupboard. I also want to finally make a quilt for our bed--this was a goal last year that never happened!
I am teaching my first quilting class in 2016--it is Lori Holt's Quilty Fun as a Block of the Month. I hope to share my passion for these cheerful designs and make some more of the book designs as models for my students.
My last goal for 2016 is to manage all the rest of the senior year and graduation activities and send my daughter off to college in the fall. 2016 sounds like a busy year!

Check out what other quilters are up to for 2016 here
Have a Happy New Year!