This may not seem quilting realated, but it really is. I am a huge NFL football fan. It is actually kind of strange as I have no brothers and my father does not enjoy the sport. I attended my high school football games and learned the gist of it. Then, when I went off to college, I ended up at a university with such a small football program they only had a team my freshman year! However, my college BFF and I soon discovered that Sundays were days for college boys to nurse their hangovers and lay around watching football. We soon joined in with this tradition--we were usually the only females with at least a dozen males. The odds were very good! There was also a football pool going on that paid off quite well plus plenty of food and beverages. Needless to say, these NFL Sundays were one of my favorite parts of college.

When I met my hubby, he was not much of a football fan. Of course that changed quickly, especially with the football pool at my work. We are both competitive especially with one another, so we started a side bet. The loser, who picked the fewest number of games correct, had to clean the house and wear a special hat that we had made with "LOSER" on it. I hate to clean the house, so I have become a pretty good football fan over the years, and rarely do I get stuck cleaning house...Poor hubby! :)
Now our weekly football bets have become a family thing with our teenage daughter joining the competition too. Last season, she and I picked all 12 games (there were some teams with byes) correct one week, too bad that was not the week we ventured to Las Vegas to bet on football! I don't really have a favorite team. In college, I cheered for the Dallas Cowboys because it was the time of Troy Aikman and Emmit Smith--those amazing early 1990's. Then, hubby and I rooted for the San Diego Chargers from when we got married in the mid-90's until about 2008ish. Our daughter has been a Baltimore Ravens fan from the get go, so she was a thrilled fan of the Super Bowl champs last year. My hubby has become a Denver Bronco fan since we now live in Colorado, John Elway is running the team, and of course Payton Manning! I am still not a fan of one particular team...

Sundays during football season have become a big, huge sewing/quilting day for me. I put on one of my comfy NFL team sweatshirts and hit the sewing room with games and analysis blaring. Our pick sheets are printed and usually my daughter highlights the winners as games finish throughout the day. And I sew, cut, quilt, bind, etc. like a crazy lady. We usually have a game day type dinner together and watch the Sunday night game and several times we have had to wait for the Monday night game to see who is cleaning house the next week.
So for the record, I was asked by one of hubby's friends who was my pick for the 2014 Super Bowl and I said either the San Francisco 49ers or the Atlanta Falcons. The way I see it, I doubt the AFC can win this year. Only one week from today, let the season begin and my sewing Sundays rock! (Yes, I am counting down!)