
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Strip Quilt Secrets Blog Hop & Contest

Diane over at and I have been blogger/quilty friends for years. We really bonded when our daughters left for college in the fall of 2016--it has been encouraging to share our empty nest experiences. She also makes the most amazing scrappy quilts and has just had her second book published. When she was seeking help from bloggers for a blog hop for her book, I jumped at the chance. I received her book the day after Christmas and then had the challenge of figuring out which of the 15 amazing quilts to make. I decided on Lime Twist--I wanted to make something bright and happy because this will likely be a chemo quilt for another coworker.
I dug into my strips and realized that I had mostly 2.5 inch wide strips. For Lime Twist, a variety of widths is ideal! Diane recommends cutting fat quarters and half yards on the 18 inch side, so I tried that and liked it. I also created a bin for strings smaller than 2.5 inches to increase my stash of those at the ready.
Diane's clever use of strip sets makes two blocks and a hunk for the scrappy border. I also had a few border strips left over that I will use in something else. Instead of lime, I used Kona Pool as my highlight color because aquas are my favorite.
I finished quilting it last night and used a gray minky for the backing. I will attach the binding, also the Kona Pool, today and spend some quality time watching the NFL Playoffs and sewing it down. This is going to be my first finish of 2019!
Here are links to all the blogs that are part of the blog hop:
Friday January 4 - C&T 
Saturday January 5 - Tanya
Sunday January 6 - Val
Monday January 7 - Lori
Tuesday January 8 - Heather
Wednesday January 9 - Audrey
Thursday January 10 - Susan

To win a copy of Scrap Quilt Secrets by Diane D. Knott, comment on this blog with your favorite color. I will draw a winner on Friday, 1/11/19, If you are a no-reply, please leave your email, so I can contact you for your mailing address. Due to shipping costs, this contest is only available to US residents. Good luck!


  1. Hi Tanya!! I love seeing your quilts. You do such nice work. This strip quilt is a fun one.
    I have a hard time picking just one color. I love all cheerful colors!

  2. Beautiful the Kona pool as teal, turquoise, family is my favorite.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Maybe this time I can get it right! Red is my favorite color with blue coming in a close second. Can't wait to dig into my scraps and create something from Diane's new book. Your quilt is the inspiration to get me going.

  5. My favorite color is RED! All shades from pinky pinks to barn reddish. Scrappy quilts are what I love best!

  6. I have always love red and especially in a string quilt. Yours is lovely and looks so comfy. Thanks!

  7. Love your interpretation of Lime Twist. With the strings both vertical and horizontal it's a great design. My favorite color is blue.

  8. What a fun scrappy quilt--love it! My favorite color is blue.

  9. This looks like a great book. My favorite color is dark burgundy.

  10. I am loving everything I see in this book. The only reason I haven't run right out and bought a copy is that my fingers are crossed that I'll win one. ;) My favorite color is red, although I have sooo many second-place colors, oddball variations of mustard and plum and khaki. They all play nicely together.

  11. Red
    Looking forward to seeing the book at my favorite local shop.

  12. I love this quilt! My favorite color is purple. I followed your link from Instagram.

  13. This is a beautiful quilt, Tanya! Definitely cheery! I really love all colors, but red is my favorite right now. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. My favorite color is green - nature's neutral. Love your quilt - I see a lot of green in there.

  15. Love your quilt with all of the bright, happy colors. My favorite color is red, but I love any bright color.

  16. I love your quilt. That aqua sets it off beautifully. My favorite color has always been red.

  17. I love the way your quilt turned out! The aqua is really pretty with all the colors. My favorite color is purple. :)

  18. Your quilt is so bright & happy. I know it will brighten someone's day. My favorite color is pink! cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)com

  19. Your quilt is really beautiful! I love the aqua. Thank you for the chance. My favorite color is green.

  20. I seldom comment, but would have had to tell you how great your version is even without the drawing. I'm sorry you've got more folks in your life needing chemo quilts, but this should be a cheerful reminder of the love that surrounds them. My favorite color varies, but lately, it seems to be purple, and red-purples at that.

  21. Fun quilt! Love any blue!

  22. My favorite color is purple. I love your bright and cheery colors in your quilt. Christine Prager
    christine underscore prager at yahoo dot com

  23. I love blues and teals right now. Your blocks & quilts are amazing!!

  24. I love your strip quilt! Such a fun pattern and I love the colors you used! I also just signed up for your blog! My favorite color is sky blue but I also love aqua!

  25. Your first finish of 2019 is a beautiful one! I'm a scrappy project lover, so this book really appeals to me. I'd be tickled to dig into my scrap tub(s) to work on a project from this book!

    1. Ooops! My favorite color is purple...every shade of it!

  26. This is a lovely quilt, Tanya. You made this one very quickly. Were all of those strings from your scraps? My favorite color is seaglass blue / green.

  27. I have admired Diane’s quilts for several years. Your version of Lime Twist is beautiful. My favorite color is red.

  28. Red is my favorite color. Love how your quilt turned out.

  29. I could give you a color, but as soon as I see another color, I would change my mind!

  30. Aughhhh Now I know what you've been doing on your Winter Break!! Your Lime Twist came out cheery and fun...and love that you used minky for the back as that will perfect for a chemo patient. (Please do not include me in the give-away since I'm the hop with ya.)

  31. I love blues - they remind me of the sea. I like the block - it looks easy and it will use up a lot of scraps! And it is a great pattern to teach to my juniors.

  32. I love blue in quilts but I think if it's a scrap quilt all colors work.

  33. Gorgeous and cheerful will definitely brighten the recipient’s days! My favourite colour is aqua.

  34. I love the aqua. While my favorite color is blue..I can see this quilt in just a bright popping color such as you used

  35. Just like the one who commented before me my favorite, at least at the moment is aqua. I have always been a fan of red/orange but who knows! Would love to win the book, thanks for the chance.

  36. I like your aqua version of Lime Twist. I'm a rainbow gal. Favorite color changes all the time. Currently I'm all about blue. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  37. Favorite color is green. The aqua makes this pop. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  38. Sometimes I think it would be easier to list my least favorite color because I like all of them for the most part. I've been a red girl for a long time before that it was blue and before that yellow! Lol! Thanks for the chance to win the book. I have Diane's first book and just love it.

  39. Blue is my favorite color. I love how cheerful this quilt is!


  40. Lime Twist is probably the first quilt I would make from this book, but I love them all. I'm impressed that you finished this one so quickly. Winter break at it's best. My favorite color in purple in any variation, but lime green is my favorite accent.

  41. Love this bright happy quilt! Pink is my favorite color.

  42. Your quilt is beautiful and this book is definitely going on my must-get list! The aqua was a great choice, but my favorite color is purple so I would go with that.

  43. definitely a strip quilt in my future - my favorite color is orange but strangely enough when looking at my fabrics aqua seems to take up the most space - go figure

  44. A wonderful happy scrappy strip quilt, I love it! My favourite colour is blue, all shades.

  45. My favorite color seems to change on a regular basis. The current choice seems to be red (except for when it's turquoise!)

  46. Wow, you whipped up that quilt fast! And it's just beautiful!! My favorite color is blue!! Thanks for sharing the awesome giveaway.

  47. Red is my favorite, but aqua is a close second.

  48. What a nice opportunity, thank you ! My favorite color is yellow !

  49. I love all those great colors and also like aqua, but have a love for orange shades.

  50. Loving this block and setting, especially the 'pool' sashing. My favorite color is periwinkle, but this could sway me ...

  51. This new book on strip quilts looks really good with new ideas-my favorite color is blues or earthy browns

  52. I guess red, but since I love scrappy quilts, I love to use all the colors. Nancy A:

  53. I love purple and pink. But for quilts, there is nothing that beats red and white quilts!

  54. My whole life I have been partial to blue!

  55. Love your aqua version of the string quilt. I'm a big fan of aqua too but my FAVORITE color is red. :)

  56. I think yellow in small amounts can make a quilt sing.

  57. Purple is my favorite color, but I love all colors!!!!

  58. Tanya, Your colors and fabrics are terrific!

  59. my favorite color would be lime green. Love your blocks!

  60. Aqua is my favourite colour. Gorgeous quilt! I am in Canada but always have my US orders shipped to my sister in OHIO. ...:)

  61. Love your quilt. I gotta have this book! I have lots of scraps waiting to be used.

  62. Quilts are gorgeous. My favorite color is blue.

  63. Pretty quilt. Thanks for having this giveaway. My favorite color is green.

  64. What a great quilt. You have such fun and colorful scraps. My favorite color is pink. Thanks for a chance to win Diane's new book.

  65. My favorite color is red. Love your quilt! Thanks for a chance to win Diana's new book.

  66. My favorite color is purple, and second is browns poladydwd at yahoo dot com

  67. I love aqua to so I think your quilt is delightful! But pink is my favorite color at the moment (it changes every few years)

  68. My favorite color has always been blue but purple is almost a tie.

  69. Green is my favorite. It goes with everything.

  70. I love all the colors but Kona Flamingo is a favorite

  71. You got the book the day after Christmas and have a quilt already?! Sign me up! I love your pool color and blues are my favorite also. This quilt is very cheerful and I’m sure the person receiving it will be cheered.

  72. Wow! Your quilt is marvelous. Love it! I too like your fav but I'd have to say over the years I have come to love pink in all it's shades. Thanks for the book opportunity.

  73. Anything green has my vote -- love the color! Speaking of love, I love your quilt. Is it really as easy as you say? Your aqua would turn into my green. Lol!

  74. Exciting book. Your strip quilt is beautiful. Would love to win the book.

  75. You make sewing strips quilts look so easy! The quilt is colorful, fun and so positive. It's going to be a happy snuggle. And my favorite color is blue, a deep cobalt one.

  76. It's so fun to see how a small constant in a scrap quilt gives a focus or frame for everything. Great quilt!

  77. My favorite color is red! But I love a lot of colors. This book is amazing and I woul love to win it!

  78. Red is one of my favorite colors but I tend to use more turquoise in quilts than anything else, maybe that is a clue that I like it more????

  79. Favorite color is a toss-up between orange and yellow! What can be happier! I see an orange and yellow quilt in my future!

  80. Your quilt is very attractive. All colors are my favorite. Maybe that is why I love scrap quilts so much.

  81. I love all colors! I do love red a lot! Thank you for the chance to win! Hugs,

  82. Favourite colours are all and any brights but right now, if I had to pick one, I would pick turquoise/aqua.. it seems to be the new neutral?

  83. I love all colors but the last three I’ve made for me all have teals and peach/rust in them so I seem to be gravitating to those colors lately.

  84. I love the color teal, no wait lime green, no wait purple. I love all bright colors, you should see my wardrobe. LOL

  85. My favorite color is green. Thanks for the chance to win. I love that the book is broken down into strip sizes.

  86. I love your quilt. Today's favorite color was Kona Cactus Green

  87. Your quilt s beautiful and favorite color is blue.

  88. What a great 2019 finish! Loving this strip-a-long!

  89. I love black in my quilts. Really like your

  90. I don't know that I have a favorite color. But I love bright colors, so your quilt speaks to me. What a happy quilt. I know it will bring comfort and love to your coworker.

  91. Love what you chose to make! Blue... blue is always good!

  92. It's hard to choose one favorite color. But I think I would pick pink if I had to only have one.

  93. My favorite color has always been shades of yellow, and I include in that orangy thru bronze shades!

  94. Love your blocks! My favorite color is pink!

  95. My favorite color is RAINBOW!!! :o))
    Thanks for offering a chance to win a copy of the book.

  96. Love the quilt you made! And, my favorite color is blue, blue, blue!

  97. My favorite color is purple, but I do love that Kona pool in your beautiful quilt. I don't know what it is about string quilts, but I love them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  98. Blue is definitively my favorite! It goes with everything!

  99. I love blues, especially Navy! I love the Kona Pool you used! Thank you!

  100. Hard to say which is my favorite, but I'm going with green!

  101. I love coral and gray. Thank you for the chance to wind this book!!

  102. Beautiful quilts!. It has to be blues!!.Thanks so much for sharing and for the opportunity in your draw

  103. Hi Tanya! My favorite color is purple! Email address is

  104. I love string quilts! Favorite color? Blue!

  105. I love string quilts and always include purple and black. My favorite color is pink but purple is a close runner-up!

  106. A beautiful assortment of colors in this makes a really pretty quilt. I lean toward blue and green for the calmness!

  107. My favorite color is red mixed with alot of other colors.

  108. I'm definitely a pink girl although I do love gold/yellow.

  109. I love orange - so happy and energetic!
    erin dot mypatchworklife at gmail

  110. My favorite color is Rainbow! Seriously, I love every color. And your quilt is such a fun rainbow of color, I love it!

  111. I really like the way the strip quilt looks with the aqua around each block - I don’t think I’ve seen that done before. My favorite color is green - any and every shade of green. My second favorite color is Autumn. My goodness, I do love all the colors of autumn.

  112. Orange is my favorite. Every thing from almost yellow to almost red. It adds a sparkle to scrap quilts.
    cathyquilt at gmail dot com

  113. Love that black! Purple is my fav color! mumbird3atgmaildotcom

  114. I love how the aqua brings it into a cohesive whole. Diane's quilts are great. I would love to win her book. Thanks

  115. I can't say that I have a favorite color, but blue plays into a lot of what I do. So, maybe blue??

  116. I love all the colors but especially seem to gravitate to teal lately

  117. Hello,
    Thanks for stopping by. Please feel free to leave a comment or feedback. I appreciate them all~
    Happy stitching
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  118. Your Lime Twist version is lovely! I would love the chance to win Diane's Strip Quilt Secrets. Hopefully I posted this comment in time! Sandy at


I love to receive comments and will do my best to reply to them. Thank you for taking the time to comment!!!