
Saturday, April 18, 2020

Quarantine Sewing

Hi friends! I am sorry for being MIA--I have been working, sewing, cooking, and of course staying home. This whole situation is surreal, but we are making it work. First, I have to say how thankful I am that our daughter is home from college. She and my hubby pretty much drove straight through from Syracuse to Montrose in 29 hours. They arrived here on 3/16. Prior to being sent home, she had been ill at school--fever, aches, chills, cough, etc. We are pretty sure she had Covid-19, but neither my hubby or I have any symptoms. So either we are asymptomatic or she was no longer contagious, not likely. Several of her friends have tested positive since they have been home, so it is pretty likely she had it too...She has recovered and is working on finishing up her classes online. Her graduation ceremony has been rescheduled for May 2021 and we expect her job to be delayed.

Our school district has cancelled in person learning for the rest of the year and I am busy teaching distance learning. I am grateful that I already used a lot of digital platforms with my students before this, so it has been easier on all of us. I love checking in with them through Zoom meetings weekly--for the most part we are sticking to our regular schedule. I am actually working about the same amount as usual--it is just different not seeing the kids in person. 

I have used this time to put all my blocks from my Sunday Best Quilts Sampler. I of course used Bonnie & Camille scraps. I am trying to decide if I should add a white outer border like Sheri did or leave it as is like Corey did. What are your thoughts? I just ordered a wide backing that is big enough for either size...
 I also made all 64 blocks for Summer on the Porch in Boundless Garden Party fabric. I got this kit for Valentine's Day from Blueprint (they are closed during this time, but keep this one in your want to make queue and I want to use this queen sized quilt on our bed this summer. I just ordered a solid looking turquoise for the backing. My goal this week is to sew it together, so it looks like this (below)!
Thanks Myra for the beautiful fabric and design!
Do you remember this finish? This was Clementine that was a quilt along with Fat Quarter Shop in 2018. I had the privilege of making one. My daughter and I are gifting it to one of her besties moms. Fran (the mom) is a doctor in Kingston, New York and has been extremely helpful to my daughter while she was at college. She has been battling the virus that she got while treating patients--a true hero. She was released from the hospital this morning, so we are sending this as a quilty hug for all her kindness and her recovery. I hope she enjoys snuggling under this cheerful quilt as she heals.
I didn't get to make a last care package to send to my daughter at school, but I did get to put together an Easter basket.  It was harder just picking out things online, I missed wandering through Target and Marshalls.  I still put some fun self-care items together: bath bombs, French lavender lotion & shower gel, face masks, hair masks, chai k-cups, a water bottle, and Reeses' eggs. She loved it and likes being home with me cooking, her dad cleaning, and our dogs to cuddle with.

During one of my Zoom meetings this week, a kiddo asked me if I had been to the local food pantry yet. I said no and she told me they had been twice. I am heartbroken that my kids are suffering during this time. I had a grocery gift card sent to their home anonymously and may need to send more to their family and others before this is over. Take care of each other and stay healthy!



  1. Glad to get an update from you. Everyone is so wrapped up in their own situation that we forget the different challenges each profession faces. There will be so many repercussions that will follow us if we ever get back to something called normal. It's good that your daughter was able to make it home giving you one less thing to stress out about. Take care.

  2. So sweet of you to send the gift card to your student's family. It's just INCREDIBLE how great the need is. I'm just stunned every time there's a food giveaway that the lines are SOO LONG, people waiting for HOURS for food.

  3. Good to "see" you. Glad your daughter is home and well now.

  4. I am so glad you are all healthy now and that your daughter is home - how scary!My boys are all home too and I am so glad for that. and sweet that you were able to do an Easter Basket - I am sure that was loved. Love your quilts!! they are so beautiful!! and how thoughtful to share the quilty love with a true hero - sweet thoughts!!

  5. I cannot imagine what it was like for you having your daughter in New York, in a hot spot area, and being sick. I would have been so so stressed and worried! I am happy to know she made it home and is recovered. It is wonderful that you and your husband stayed healthy as well. I have worried as my daughter, expecting twins with extra problems, has had to go to the hospital twice a week for tests. It feels like she goes into the danger zone, but she has to. ANyway, I am glad all is well!

    I too am a teacher here in Utah and understand the changes you are dealing with. I am a computer teacher so my classes really didn't change much. Students already knew where to go to get their work and how to submit them.

    I must say that every single quilt in this post is GORGEOUS! Thank you for a great read and great eye candy!


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