
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lavender Blue Baby Quilt Finish

 This baby quilt has been quilted, bound, and is ready for the baby's arrival in September. I wavy stitch quilted it along the triangle edges. After washing, it measures 42 x 49 inches. Here is the free tutorial I used to make this quilt from: 
I used a lavender fabric from my stash and put a strip of aqua down the middle to make it wide enough. I used my Pfaff's alphabet to embroider a label. The purple binding was leftover from another project.
 Our sunflowers are still blooming and I could not resist sharing a few up close shots.
 The variety of colors is gorgeous.
 We are planning on harvesting seeds for next year's patch which will be bigger!
 One plant had fallen over, so my hubby cut the flowers and put this vase of them in our kitchen window. I am so ready for fall--I have had enough of 90+ degree weather! I am ready for football, sweaters, pumpkins, coffee all day, flannels, etc.
I could not resist getting a pumpkin spice cold brew and a pumpkin scone yesterday morning to celebrate the finishing the first week of school.
Here is a little preview of my secret sewing for the FQS---it will be featured here on September 12th! 

Enjoy your long weekend!


  1. The colors of the sunflowers are wonderful. If the seeds you planted were hybrids, the seed you save will not produce the same colors, but who knows, you might get some very interesting combinations. We've cooled off considerably here in NY.

  2. Those sunflowers are stunners! I do love them. Cute baby quilt. I'm a bit jealous that you have your window open, I hope it gets cool enough for us to that around here before October. LOL

  3. Your quilt is darling--love the colors you used too. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. We used to have them coming up all over the yard from chipmunks burying the seeds from our bird feeders. Sadly, we had to stop offering sunflower seeds when a bear tore up all our feeders!

  4. I love triangle quilts and this one is delightful 🤩


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