
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Songs & Sewing = Summer

 Well, it has been a fantastic week of summer! My hubby and I went to see The Wallflowers perform on Saturday night. Sorry my pictures are not the best, but Jakob Dylan is still very boyish and sounded amazing!
 There is a new amphitheater in Grand Junction and they played there. We had a gourmet picnic on the lawn outside before going in. We had reserved seats up really close and there was plenty of interaction with the audience, but the sound and view was really good in the general admission area too. We look forward to attending other performances in the venue.
 Despite our very hot summer, my hubby's raspberries are producing in an overabundance. We already have five gallons in our freezer and we are not even to the height of the season. I made a lemon raspberry bundt cake which we both enjoyed for breakfast several days. I also made a monte cristo casserole and topped it with a fresh raspberry sauce--so delicious! I just ordered an Instapot 6 quart for Amazon Prime Day it was $59--way cheaper than ever. I have already been pinning recipes for months, so I am looking forward to trying it out. There is supposed to be a way to make cheesecake in it--a raspberry cheesecake sounds decadent!
 I was able to get my Clementine Quilt machine quilted by a local acquaintance, but now a friend for sure! She does not professionally quilt, but she did a great job and was done with it the day after I dropped it off! Aren't the loopy flowers adorable? I am almost done binding it and it will be revealed here on the 25th, so stay tuned!
 I am trying to get some UFOs done before starting anything new. I have been doing a pretty good job and have even emptied four works in progress in bins! This is my Scrap Dance 2 Step. I had 24 blocks done, but when I laid them out I decided to make one more block and have it square. This had been a mystery quilt available from From My Carolina Home. You can buy the pattern on Craftsy now. I should get the blocks all together and then I can prep a backing.
 I whipped up this Schoolhouse Block (this is a free tutorial on to go with the Bus Block and make them into the label for my Spelling Bee Alphabet Sampler Quilt. I just need to embroider this and piece the backing.
I pieced the backing for this Butterfly Threads Mystery Quilt I finished in October 2016. I also pieced the backing for another quilt too. My friend has her new longarm set up and told me she should be ready to start on some of my quilts in a week or two. We are trading my hand binding skills for her long arming skills. I intend to have my quilts at the ready for her as soon as she is ready. I even ordered another roll of Warm & White batting from Joann's--they are having a rocking deal on-line--between the sale, a coupon, free shipping, and a minimal sales tax because I live in the county a 90 inch x 40 yard roll was $200.64. That is $5 a yard--such a great deal even cheaper than wholesale!

Our local quilt show is this weekend and my friend asked me to help in her booth. It is a win win for me because she pays me with fabric and I get to go to the quilt show for free and see the other vendors before the show begins. Have a great week!


  1. Looks like you are getting lots done Tanya and making great progress on your ufo's love the school bus block.

  2. Boy that bundt cake looks good...yum! I am loving your schoolhouse block, too!

  3. Cute schoolbus block! Love the Butterfly Threads Mystery Quilt too!

  4. I love raspberries!!!! ENJOY all the treats using yours up. I do love the pantograph your friend used and thanks for reminding me that I have one of Carole's QAL to finish too!!!

    1. PS Enjoy helping at your friends booth. That would be fun!

  5. That’s awesome. I just ordered warm & natural from Overstock for less that that if you can believe it! 20% off, free delivery. Yahoo! Love reading your blog!

  6. oh my goodness what fun adventures you are having!

    love the quilt too!

  7. You are one busy lady!! OMG! I also ordered a roll of batting from Joanns! It just came today! The deal was too good to pass up.

  8. You have a lot going on in this fun little read. I stopped by to get a better look at that adorable bus and school house.

  9. Wow! You have been really busy between quilts and 5 gallons of raspberries in the freezer! Your school house block with the bus is darling. Continued good luck with finishing some UFOs. And, yes, what a deal on the batting...

  10. Love your bus and school house. Must be because I'm a teacher. You sure are busy, I don't know how you get all this done. But it's all beautiful.

  11. Some lovely projects happening at your place.

  12. I love raspberries! I will be interested to hear how you like your instapot. I'm on the fence about getting one since it's just the two of us most of the time now.
    Love your projects nearing completion, especially that last one. *wink*


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