
Sunday, May 6, 2018

May is Underway

I have had a pretty productive sewing week! I finished piecing 55 of these blocks--I only need 49 of them for the quilt, but I may end up using some of the extra blocks on the backing...I finished binding the queen sized quilt I was commissioned to bind--it helped having Friday off!
 I made the Home Block for Spelling Bee Sew Along today--I am all caught up with those blocks! I am looking forward to putting this on all together soon. #summersewing
We have a bus driver that is retiring at the end of this school year--he is 85! He is "Bob the Bus Driver" and I think he needs a school bus quilt. I pieced together a large school bus block using Lori Holt's pattern and I think I am going to use her Spelling Bee book to make letters that say "Bob the Bus Driver." I think I will have his kids sign the quilt--stay tuned to see what I come up with! Our last day of school is May 23, so I need to put a rush on this one. This will be my One Monthly Goal (OMG) for May

I also need to make a pillow with some shirts from my friend's mom who passed away. I think I will embroider a quote and use the shirts to frame it and for the back.

What are you up to this week?


  1. What a clever idea for the bus driver quilt. I know you’ll make it awesome. And I love how you made those Stars! That looks like a great way to use up those bonus HSTs that seem to multiply unrelentingly!

  2. How thoughtful to make Bob the bus driver his very own quilt. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  3. Amazing work with the number of blocks you have done.
    I am looking forward to seeing Bob's quilt.

  4. Sounds awesome! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  5. The school bus block is terrific. Bob's going to love it.

  6. What a thoughtful gift for Bob the Bus Driver!!


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