
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Week 9 of Summer 2016

This was my last full week of summer and I really tried to spend most of it in my sewing room. I started this Modern Herringbone Quilt back in May as a baby gift. I actually have had the top complete since Mother's Day weekend, but then my gallbladder went crazy and I never got it done before school got out. After my gallbladder surgery, I was not up for being bent over and pinning it, but yesterday I did pin it.
I quilted it on one diagonal following the pattern. I think this quilt is fantastic and I wish I had gotten it done sooner.
This is the backing with a few rows of herringbone to make it wide enough. For Slow Sunday Stitching, I am working on the binding. Check out other handwork here:
On Friday, Diane posted the last piecing clue for the Butterfly Threads 2016 Summer Mystery Quilt. It took me awhile to get all 48 blocks done, but success in the end. Here is the link for details:
Here is an up close of some of the blocks. I am going to wait before I piece them together to see Diane's layout suggestions on Friday. I am not sure what this quilt will be used for, but it is nice to have one at they ready.
My version of Lori Holt's Bloom Quilt is also going to be at the ready status. I need to find a backing, but I plan on machine quilting it myself and putting it away for a baby gift.
My Town Square Quilt Tablecloth is going to the top of my get it quilted pile!

I am stuck in trainings most of this week and back to work next week, but two weeks from today we leave to move my daughter back east to college. I am not sure how much quilting will get done...Have a great week!


  1. Your herringbone quiilt is one of my favorites! Glad you had a chance to finish it up. I might have trouble giving it away! The rest of your projects look great too! I'm curious to see how your mystery quilt comes together!

  2. You accomplished a lot over the summer vacation. You are a school teacher if I remember correctly.

  3. They are all lovely, but that herringbone quilt is so great it reminded me I wanted to do one of thse. Better get cracking, I guess.

  4. All of your projects are great. You have been a busy girl! You are on the finish line on most of them.

  5. All these are gorgeous. I especially like your version of Lori Holt's quilt. I so sympathize with you about health issues. I just went thru 6 months of misery since Nov 2015. Praise the Lord we are through it. Thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone.

  6. Your comments about finishing the quilt made me giggle. I often wonder the same thing. And your mystery blocks are gorgeous! If you want to get a jump on it, I actually set mine in six rows of eight like you have them laid out on your bed. Then borders are optional. I really do like your blocks!!! Have a safe trip to college with your girl.

  7. Your Bloom quilt turned out great Tanya! You said you made the blocks smaller, so what size do the blocks finish at? The Town Square quilt is so pretty too. Well all of you quilts are wonderful, but I am drawn to the more colorful ones, lol!!!

  8. Lovely work with the herringbone quilt. And I like the way you chose to quilt it. It looks great.
    Good to see all the mystery blocks ready too and looking good.

  9. We always lots of projects to finsish up, but that keeps us motivated I think!! Good luck with your busy month ahead.

  10. Summer vacation seems to zoom by but you definitely accomplished a lot. The herringbone quilt is delightful and I especially like the Bloom quilt. It's so cheerful and whimsical.

  11. Love the herringbone quilting... and backing! Great job!
    Who am I kidding? I love every quilt on this post!!
    The Bloom quilt is so pretty and fresh...gorgeous!

  12. Some gorgeous projects! I adore the town square :-) enjoy your last week off!

  13. Some gorgeous projects! I adore the town square :-) enjoy your last week off!

  14. wonderful quilts - thanks for the mystery link

  15. Hard to believe it's time to head back already....but you've been so productive!!! Hey is the My Town Tablecloth is one of Lori Holt's books???

    1. did you end up quilting your Bloom quilt?

  16. Lovely!! I would love to try a herring bone quilt. I am inspired. Hope you are feeling better!

  17. Fabulous quilts! They're so different but all beautiful. I love the herringbone and the blooms ones. :)

  18. Wow, you got a lot done! I love the Herringbone quilt - I am really wanting to do my own version soon, but am trying to finish up projects before starting another. I hate being disciplined, but I'm trying to be anyway. Great projects all.

  19. Lots of great projects! I love your herringbone quilt and your choice to quilt with diagonal lines. It's sure to be loved!

  20. Your Bloom quilt is so darned cheerful! Nice job...that'll be fun to see that one quilted. Good job with the herringbone quilt as well. I'd say you've had a productive summer...

  21. Wow, Tanya - I am overwhelmed by all the gorgeousness in this post! But I think my favorite is the last one - I don't blame you moving it to the to of the "to-be-quilted" stack! Whoop whoop!!


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