
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Graduation Day

Today was high school graduation day for my only child, Heather! 
 We took a couple of selfies before hand--she looks gorgeous and I look sick. Friday morning, I was finally diagnosed with a gallbladder full of gallstones, so I spent the weekend in bed trying to make it to her graduation. I made it!
She was ranked number one in her senior class and has nearly a full academic scholarship to Colgate University! She is planning on double majoring in mathematical economics and political science.
 Here she is giving her Valedictory. It focused on not peaking in high school--it was a little "spicy," (her word for controversial) but got the most applause of all the speeches. I think everyone liked when she said, "I sure as hell didn't learn anything in American government."
 Here she is with her friend, Matt, he is a math genius like Heather and will be going to the Colorado School of Mines.
This is her and Kyle. They have been academic rivals since the third grade. He will be heading to the Air Force Academy.
 Meg and Heather have been seated next to each other for years because of their close last names. They will remain in close proximity as they are the only two heading east for college.
And last, but not least, here she is with her bestie, Lexi. She graduated early and has been at CSU this last semester. I think they will enjoy the summer.

I hope to get my gallbladder removed this week, so I can feel like doing something besides lying in bed watching TV. I also want to eat normally again--I am so sick of oatmeal and toast and would kill for a cocktail. The sooner, I can have the surgery, the sooner I can feel better and start my summer vacation!


  1. Tanya, I am so sorry to hear that you've been sick like that. Besides feeling so crummy, I can only imagine the havoc that has wreaked on the end of your school year as well as your daughter's graduation festivities! Congratulations on raising such an amazing daughter - that scholarship to Colgate is wonderful!

  2. Congrats! Glad you made it to graduation. I can tell you that my father had his gallbladder removed around age 70 and he said as soon as he woke up he felt incredibly better and the day after he felt like a new man. Hope they get you fixed right up.

  3. Congratulations and I am so pleased you made it to the graduation. So exciting.
    Good luck with the gall bladder op. I had mine out 3 years back and have had no problems since. Well worth doing.

  4. Congrats! What a beautiful daughter. All the bet to her in her bright future.
    You will feel so much better once your gall badder is gone...speedy recovery.

  5. Congratulations to both you and your daughter on her graduation. Colgate is only about two hours from my home. A great part of New York State.

    Good luck with your gallbladder surgery. You'll be back on your feet in no time.

  6. Congratulations to both you and your daughter on her graduation. Colgate is only about two hours from my home. A great part of New York State.

    Good luck with your gallbladder surgery. You'll be back on your feet in no time.

  7. Congratulations to your daughter. What an achievement to be first in her class. So happy for you too. Hope your surgery is a big success and you feel better very soon. I'm glad to not see any snow! My sisrer lives in Franktown and your winter has been so long. Happy days.

  8. Congratulations to you and your husband on raising such an accomplish daughter. Heather may you have many adventures and continue to be their shining star!

    Glad to hear they figured out what was ailing you and your recovery goes well Tanys.

  9. Been there, done that - prayers you have no complications and a successful recovery. Congrats to Heather!

  10. Very sorry to hear about your sickness. At least you had the excitement of your daughter's graduation to brighten your weekend?

  11. Congrats to Heather & you & hubby for raising such an accomplished young lady! I still remember her when she was a little girl on Feather St!!!!

    Good luck with the gall bladder surgery..You'll feel so much better!!

  12. so sorry about the illness and yet glad that you were able to make it to her graduation / you can certainly be proud of her! :)

  13. so sorry about the illness and yet glad that you were able to make it to her graduation / you can certainly be proud of her! :)

  14. Oh my gosh I am so sorry you've been so ill. That's horrible, I do wish you the best of luck for surgery and a quick recovery. Your daughter is gorgeous! Congrats to her on her big day.


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