
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Goodbye Sweet Girl

Dora 1/25/03 - 5/12/15
It has been a rough week here. We had to have our oldest dog, Dora, put down. We all miss her terribly especially our other two dogs!
 I tried to be productive in my sewing room to distract myself from my grief. I made this month's BOM from the Snapshots Quilt Along-- the cute apron. Here is a link to the directions
I am going to attach the binding and hand stitch it this evening for Slow Sunday Stitching, you can see what everyone else is up to here
 I am participating in the Farm Girl Vintage Sew Along with Lori Holt, there is more information here We are supposed to sew two blocks each Friday, but I have not done this past Friday's blocks yet because I was making a whole quilt from the book. This is the Baby Chick Block six inch size set in the Farm Fresh Quilt Setting featured in the book on page 108. I decided to put the cornerstones and sashing as an outer border on mine. It currently measures 40 x 50 inches which is a great size for a baby quilt, so I don't plan on adding any additional borders. This sweet, cheery quilt looks great out on my pasture fence with all the green, lush grass that has been growing like crazy because of rain we had this week.
I dug into my scrap bins for the yellows, reds, and pinks.  I already had the white with pink print in my stash and it was a perfect background. I traced the legs and eyes on each chick, but have not embroidered them yet with perle cotton. The chick's beaks are a dark brown, so I will coordinate the legs and eyes in brown too. Lori's book shows this quilt quilted to look like chicken wire and it is adorable and maybe worth me trying to figure out how to copy it myself.
I found my favorite quilting magazine for sale this week and I have been enjoying discovering new shops and trends in it. Our last day of school is this Wednesday, I know out before Memorial Day and boy am I ready! I will get caught up on my Farm Girl Vintage blocks and quilt up one of my Rainbow Medallion tops this week for Happy Chemo and the Hands 2 Help Charity Quilt Challenge. I also need to get another handwork project going. What are you up to?


  1. SO sorry to hear about your Dora... I can even see her tail wagging in that photo. Stitching is the best medicine for grief, so relax and enjoy stitching your binding.

  2. So sorry about your family's pet. It sure is hard. You done the chick quilt already! And it turned out fabulous, I love it!! I need to get more yellows and pinks before I can even start mine :)

  3. I'm sure that was a sad decision to make - Our daughter had to do that last year and it was rough for them. Immerse yourself in your activities - sewing can be therapeutic!

  4. Losing our furry friends is so very hard. I understand exactly as we have gone through this a few times.

    Your projects are coming along nicely. I was behind on my Farm Girl Friday sew along until this weekend.

    Sending quilty hugs and peace to you and your family.

  5. So sorry for your loss. We had to do that 2 years ago and it is just now that we are ready to have another dog. The quilting helps, we've had a rough 6 months with hubby having a major fall at work. The quilting kept me sane.

  6. I'm so sorry about your loss. Our fur babies are never with us long enough and they are such a big part of our lives! Keeping busy is helpful. Take care.

  7. Our condolences on the loss of your sweet girl! I hope that your other two doggies hold you close!
    Pugs and kisses

  8. So sorry about your sweet doggie. It's so hard because our dogs are part of the family. I love your Baby Chicks quilt, so dang cute. It's awesome with your scrappy pinks.

  9. You have had a sad week! So sorry to hear about your dear dog. I have been making chickens from the Farm Girl Vintage book. You can see them on my blog.

  10. So sorry about your dog. Such a hard hard decision, even when it's clearly best.
    Staying busy really does help.
    Love your chicks. I now have an overwhelming urge to drop everything and make a chicks quilt.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your dearly loved dog. It must be a tough time for everyone in your family. Thinking of you.

  12. So very sorry. Pets hold such a special place in our hearts.

  13. I'm so sorry about your dog. That is always hard to go through. But happy end of the school year and sewing to your heart's content! I have 9 days left!

  14. I was so very, very sorry to read about Dora. Our animals are truly such a huge part of our families and losing one is just heartbreaking. You and your family are in my thoughts. Hugs to you.

  15. My heart goes out to you. In July of 2003 we had a surprise litter of puppies (adopted a secretly pregnant dog from the pound!) and kept four of the sweet puppies. This winter two of the sisters passed, and our hearts are still broken, but we are beginning to find the happiness in the memories again. Sending much love to you and the two who are still with you.

  16. Oh, that is really sad. I know, what it means to loose a beloved animal. I feel with you and your family.
    Hugs, Rike

  17. It is always a sad time when you lose a pet. They really are a special part of the family.
    Good to see you working on your blocks. The Baby Chick quilt is lovely. Like the idea of the wire effect in the quilting. Good luck.

  18. Oh das tut mir leid, dass Euer Hund gestorben ist.Unsere Haustiere wachsen uns so ans Herz, sie gehören zur Familie und wenn sie nicht mehr da sind, fehlen sie uns so sehr. Sicher hatte Dora ein gutes Leben bei Euch und Ihr habt viele schöne Erinnerungen an sie.
    Liebe Grüße

  19. So sorry to hear about Dora - losing a pet is so tough

  20. I'm sorry about the loss of your furry family member. Your chick quilt is just adorable. I love the little heart in the lower corner of the blocks.

  21. Sorry to hear about your loss of a very special dog. It is amazing how much they are involved in your home life. Your Chick quilt is fabulous.

  22. Sorry about your loss Tonya! Love the baby chicks quilt, I made one of the blocks and it is so much fun!

  23. I don't have any words that would even begin to tell you how sorry I am to hear this. What a pretty girl, so unfair that we only get them in our lives for such a short time. I'm sure you gave her bounds of love. Sending you hugs during this time.

  24. So sorry for the loss of Dora. Saying goodbye to our furry friends is not easy. Love your chicks quilt and the apron!

  25. *hugs* I know it's hard and quilting can be a great distraction. Your baby chicks quilt is adorable!

  26. I am so sorry for your loss of your sweet Dora.

  27. It is so difficult to lose a cherished family pet--I totally empathize. Hope your other doggie friends give you your little chicks quilt--just so cute with all those pinks...hugs, Julierose

  28. Sending you hugs! This has to be the most difficult decision any pet owner has to go through and my heart goes out to you!

  29. So, so sorry about Dora :o(

  30. Our furry friends are the best. We have two and the oldest is going to be 14 in September...we know our days are numbered with her. Do take solace in your sewing day at a time!

  31. I love both the apron and the chicks. Very sorry about the loss of your dog--grieving takes such a toll on your body and psyche. Hugs to you

  32. Oh man....I t\hate putting a dog to sleep...esp one that has been part of the family as it seems Dora certainly has. Thinking of ya. (You chick quilt is adorable!!)

  33. I'm really sorry about your Dora. She looks like such a sweetie. Your chick quilt is so cute, I can't wait to see it quilted! Thanks for linking up to Main Crush Monday. :)

  34. Sorry to hear about your Dora, Tanya... what a loving home your doggy has been part of!
    Are you doing your Snapshots blocks QAYG style, or making them into separate hangings?

  35. We are so lucky to be able to have wonderful "pets" in our lives~you gave her a great life, and I'm sorry for your loss. Love your chickie inspiration~that block is the WHOLE reason for getting the book.

  36. So sorry to hear about Dora, they sure leave a hole in our lives when they pass on! Your chicky blocks are lovely.

  37. Sorry about your loss :( It is very difficult to get used to their absence.
    Sewing is a great way to keep busy and distract your brain. Your birdies look lovely!

  38. So sorry for your loss of Dora. I get sad just thinking about when that day comes for my two kitties. Hopefully your sewing is brining you some consolation, or at least distraction.

    I came here from the Let's Bee Social link-up, and wanted to invite you to one we host called Crafty Comment Karma. It goes up each Friday and is open for the entire week to any crafty, quilting or sewing links! I hope you'll come join us:

  39. So very sorry to hear about your loss.

  40. Tanya, my heart goes out to you over losing Dora. We just went through the same thing with our Piper. And I think our other two dogs were just as sad and depressed as we were. It took them a month to go back to eating normally. I hope that all the happy memories you hold in your heart will carry you through.

    I just love how your little chic quilt is turning out - it is one of my favorite blocks in Lori's QAL.

  41. Love your sweet Little Chicks Blocks quilt top. Super cute. I love the pink and yellow combination. So sorry for your loss, Tanya.

  42. Sorry for the loss of your beloved dog.
    I love the chick quilt!
    School is out here tomorrow and boy am I glad. No more interrupted days to go pick up grandchildren across town for awhile.

  43. So sorry to hear of the sad passing of your dog, I hope the pain turns to fond memories quickly for you. Love your chick quilt.... so cute! Hugs xxx

  44. So sorry for your family's loss.
    Fun chick quilt! I just received that book via mail order. It has so many fun blocks in it.

  45. I can see from the photo what a special companion Dora was. Dogs are such incredible animals. You can almost see their soul in their eyes. I hope you can find solace in your quilting. Your work is lovely.


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