
Saturday, November 8, 2014

FNWF November

 I did not get much quilting in this week, so I was very motivated last night for Friday Night With Friends. I made dinner in the morning using my crockpot, so when I got home from work I could spend more time quilting! I pieced these Q blocks for the Little Letters Quilt Along over at Temecula Quilt Co.
 I also made my R blocks. Now, I am all caught up and ready for the S block instructions that will post tomorrow.
I also finished quilting my Purple Modern Herringbone quilt last night. I have the binding on it and ready to be hand sewn down this morning. I also got an e-mail from Shannon over at Modern Tradition Quilts that she will be featuring it this week for her KISMIF linking party
I won one of her patterns because my quilt was chosen as the feature! I should have it all finished for her linking party this week...

Check out what everyone was working on for Friday Night With Friends November here


  1. Wonderful projects to have worked on at FNwF... thanks for your company xox

  2. I've popped over from FNWF. Crock pots do come in handy for us quilters! ;) The letters look good and I love the herringbone quilt. Congratulations on it being featured over at Modern Traditional Quilts.

  3. A lovely way to spend some time. I do enjoy making meals like that. Coming home to the smell of a wonderful meal is perfect.

  4. Hi Tanya, I'm dropping in from FNWF... lovely sewing of the letter blocks there... love the herringbone purples too... happy binding!

  5. Hello Tanya,

    The letters are looking good. Just love how the Violets quilt looks after a wash. Such a a great design too.

    Happy days.

  6. Sew nice to be up to date with your letters.
    Your Violet quilt looks great all quilted and finished in the other post.


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