
Sunday, October 26, 2014

2014 Retreat

 We just returned from our weekend quilting retreat in Palisade, Colorado at the Wine Country Inn! Here is the courtyard that is the center of the inn. Here is a link to the inn if you are interested in visiting The service was amazing! Warning there are lots of pictures!
 Meals were enjoyed in this gazebo and the temperature was in the mid-70's. It is hard to believe it is so warm so close to Halloween!
The inn is surrounded by 10 acres of vineyard.
 This is the apartment/guest quarters where the potluck dinners were served from. All of the other meals were catered by the inn.
 Here is my mom on the porch hand quilting her Love Blooms BOM from Quiltmaker, I still have two blocks to go on mine!
I worked on my Journey of a Quilter BOM.
 Here are mom and me Slow Sunday Stitching. See what everyone else was up to here
 This was my sewing station with my new mat and thread catcher. My mobile sewing station (aka Stanley tool box) was perfect. The bottom part that holds my machine fit under the table and the tool box part fit on top of the table where all my necessities were within reach and organized.
 There were three vendors in case you needed something or wanted to splurge.
 There was a choice of classes with either a mystery quilt or a wool felt appliqué/embroidery stitches class. We took the wool felt appliqué/embroidery stitches class.
 Here was our big table in the ballroom.
 Laura, the wool felt class teacher, brought Valdani perle cotton, lots of wool pieces, her patterns, and kits. She did not have samples for everything because many were at the quilt market on display in the Valdani booth, but we still managed to find plenty of goodies.
On the wall were two samples of the mystery quilt most of the ladies worked on. I think the pattern is called "Morning, Noon, and Night."
Of course there was lots of chocolate and a glass of wine was included each evening. We stuck with the sauvignon blanc in case there was any spillage.
 Here are Lindsey and I bright and early on Saturday morning.
 Here are some of the ladies with their finished tops from the mystery class.
 This was the hallway outside of the ballroom where there were additional cutting tables and ironing stations and a porch ran the length of the building. The inn had beverages and warm cookies for us all day long. The retreat fee included lunch on Saturday and brunch on Sunday. There was even an omelet station for brunch! Since we stayed at the inn, we also had a breakfast buffet on each day. I am still full and probably gained 10 pounds.
Here is one of my Love Blooms Here blocks I worked on.
This is the Modern Herringbone quilt I pieced during the retreat. I want to add two more rows to make it wider since it is only 35 inches wide right now. I need some more purple fabrics, so I will go to the fabric store after work tomorrow. Doesn't it look amazing on the rail fence with the grapevines and the mountain in the background!!!
It was an amazing weekend with Lindsey, Debbie (Lindsey's mom), my mom, and all the other fabulous quilters! They have another retreat in the spring and in the fall, I am very tempted to go again! How was your weekend?


  1. I was "logging off" and noticed you posted about your retreat and had to stop by and take a peek! Looks like great memories where made and boy! you got a lot done. Love the purples in your Herringbone!! Thanks for sharing! :)( and your mom look a lot a like!)

  2. What a beautiful place for a retreat! You mentioned working on your Journey of a Quilter BOM. I have been trying to find a shop that is doing this BOM as I would like to make it. Are you currently doing it from a shop?

  3. What a wonderful post to read! Such fun in a gorgeous location!
    It made my heart sing to see you and your Mom hand stitching on the porch :)

  4. Great post and it looks like fun! What a beautiful place for a retreat. Someday I hope to try one... THanks for sharing. Love your quilt top and you are right, it looks perfect in that location.

  5. This looks like an amazing retreat and a wonderful venue. Looks like you were busy working for a lot of the time and made great progress on your projects.

  6. What a beautiful setting for a retreat. It's amazing how much you can get done when you don't have to to cook meals and run kids places. Your purple herringbone quilt looks great. I love purple.

  7. Looks like a fun time.
    I was at a quilt retreat too. Still getting over it. My car still isn't unpacked.... So no posts yet

  8. Looks like you had a great time! I had a good time at my retreat too.

  9. What a great weekend! Beautiful weather, beautiful setting, beautiful friends, sewing, wine, food.....and time together. Great job on getting so much progress made. I'm already looking forward to spring!

  10. Your herringbone quilt top is really beautiful!

  11. Thanks for sharing. Your herringbone is awesome. Amazing what you can do w/HSTs.

  12. Really pretty your Herringbone quilt! In my opinion is not that easy to work with purples, you did a great job!

  13. your purple herringbone quilt is gorgeous! It really stands out. Very well done!

  14. WIne and chocolate! And Quilting! How fun! Love your herringbone quilt. Such gorgeous colors!

  15. Looks like you had a great retreat. Thank you for sharing your link with my linky party KISMIF on Modern Tradition Quilts--Shannon

    1. Since you asked, yes you can post as many links as you would like on my linky party. I'll be doing it weekly--I was going to change to monthly, but now there is better participation. Thanks for coming!

  16. It looks as if you had a great time! A fun read and that herringbone is so pretty!

  17. Hi Tanya! You are featured on KISMIF. If you would like, head over to my blog and tell me what your favorite quilt pattern is that I wrote and I'll send you a free PDF. Thanks for participating!

  18. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Beautiful setting.


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