
Monday, March 10, 2014

Productive Day

I took today off as a mental health day and I am so glad I did! It was a great, productive day. I dropped my daughter off at school, went grocery shopping,  got a chai latte, got gas, and went to the post office. I made it home a little after 9am. I headed straight for my sewing room. Then in the mail came my package from my swap partner from the 4S (Simple and Sweet Scrappy Swap) on Flickr! Mumziepooh, also known as Debbie, sent me some amazing goodies. Check out this chicken pin cushion. I named her Chicken Little. I have a thing for chickens and the colors of this one are perfect for my sewing room!
She included 10 fat quarters including some Scrumptious ones by Bonnie and Camille, a Chantilly charm pack, and an April Showers mini charm pack!!!! WOO HOO!!!

My picture is not great, but she has the cutest little tag with owls on it and says "Mumziepooh Makes."  Isn't the bag amazing? The pennant banner is so dainty!

There were also pins, embroidery scissors and needles, washi tape, a precious zipper, and Reese's eggs. Wow did she ever spoil me!!!! A day off from work and a package like this certainly made my day!!!!
 I whipped up this book cover for one of my 5th graders and made a tutorial explaining how to make them.
I only have 17 more to make by May!!!
 I made these two houses for the quilt along I am doing with Kim over at
They have all been made from my stash.
 I also worked on my blocks for the quilt along over at Joined at the Hip. I am behind, but should get caught up with some more work tonight. These blocks are only 6 inches, so the pieces are small, but very stash friendly!
 I finished up this Easter bag for my nephew last night...
I need to get some more hand work together and I will be all set for more productivity this week! Remember quilting is my therapy and this was just how I needed to rejuvenate! We start testing tomorrow and I will need to quilt at night for sure with a mommy beverage.


  1. Looks like you had such a fun day and achieved so much.

  2. You did all that after 9am??? I want some of your energy pills!

    Yes, you were completely spoiled with Debbie's goodies! Lucky you!

    Love your houses... it's fun watching your neighborhood grow!

  3. Cute QAL blocks, and you did a really nice job on the Easter bag - it is really sweet:-)

  4. What a great idea to take a mental health day! Maybe I can convince my boss.....
    Wonderful projects!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  5. What a great mental health day and what neat goodies! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  6. Very productive indeed! And what a lucky lady to receive all that! The chicken pincushion is very cute and perfect for spring. I love house blocks and I think you were very clever in the choice of fabric you've made. The patterns mimics real houses. Beautiful!

  7. Looks like your mental health day was a sewing success! Love that little chicken :)

  8. Yay you! You should feel very healthy after such a great day!! Here from 'BEE Social'.

  9. When you take a day to rejuvenate, you don't waste it! Great blocks and a sweet bag for your nephew. And what a great mail day! You got spoiled! Love the fabrics, of course, but that little chicken is just too cute!

  10. WOW!!! U did have a productive therapy day! I can only dream of doing all that. Love your swap gift, very kind. I have a thing for chickens, too, so check me out at: when you get time :) Love to have u visit.

  11. The chicken is adorable-what a lovely gift! Isn't a stolen day the greatest to get things done.

  12. I love the chicken, what a great gift. You certainly had a productive day and completed some beautiful blocks and that wonderful bag. We should all take the occasional mental health day to simply do what we love. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Your houses are great! I particularly like the gold and red color combo on the first one. I'm looking forward to seeing next month's blocks too--hopefully I'll get an earlier start on mine!

  14. Wow! You are one busy girl!!! I can't believe you did all that and made your house too! Great Job!!!

  15. woohoo for a mental health day! and lucky you to receive so many goodies! great looking blocks, by the way!

    Thanks for linking up to Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation


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